Characters are ordered by series or book as deemed logical by the office squirrels. Side characters can frequently be found hiding in the corners of local business pages. If you're unable to find a character in the list, please make use of the search bar at the top of every page. Not all side characters have yet been deemed worthy of entry into the World Bible. Please direct any filing concerns and new page requests to @Ratatoskr.


In these pages, you will discover elves, demons, dimensional doors, space travel, vampires, dragons, and so much more. Lupine Bay is ever-expanding and genre-encompassing. Her stories feature a large variety of relationship dynamics and sexual preferences, including traditional and reverse harems, gay and lesbian romance, polyamory, BDSM, femdom, and multiple simultaneous partners. Some pages or stories will be 18+ and may feature explicit sexual scenes, graphic violence, significant blasphemy, and occasional cannibalism.
  All artwork & content © 2022 Elizabeth Earle unless otherwise stated.
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