Arasram Geographic Location in Lupine Bay | World Anvil


Arasram is a desert planet, lacking any natural magic, where the famously deposed Dread Pirate Oberths was marooned. The atmosphere could sustain life, but the flora and fauna of the desert world were scarce. Only the toughest of plant life survived, mostly inedible. Any creatures living above ground had tough hides to keep precious moisture protected.
    Dread Pirate Oberths, along with a quarter of his Svarmande, was marooned on Arasram when his second in command convinced most of the fleet commanders that Oberths had gone mad. He claimed Oberths was planning a crusade against “The Source,” a mythical order hoarding the wellspring of universal magic.
    Eventually, when the fleet stopped raiding nearby Stjarnsraads, and instead wasted incalculable resources chasing down fruitless leads, the captains of Oberths’ Svarmande joined in mutiny. They abandoned him on Arasram with the thousand crewmates that remained loyal. The local landscape could not support such a large influx of new life and hundreds died within the first month.
    Space-faring pirates are used to surviving harsh environments, however, and eventually turned the barren, inhospitable planet into a somewhat hostile refuge. They sheltered in a series of caves along a cliff face, with an underground maze of tunnels connecting many of the entrances. The caves offered protection from the sun, and condensation on the walls allowed for a little extra reclamation of water.
    Hunting parties searched often enough to bring in a notable supply of meat. Though it took much effort since the desert creatures offered less than succulent cuts from their tough leathery hides. Eventually, they learned to grow crops and the initial colony started to grow, rather than die off. They expanded the cave system with diligent mining, and eventually, the denizens could expand out of the caves when they could form the natural clay into housing.
    Over a century later, space pirates discovered the colony while they were following myths of the lost treasure of Dread Pirate Oberths. When they met with the descendants, they created a new trade route with the town of Oberheim.


In these pages, you will discover elves, demons, dimensional doors, space travel, vampires, dragons, and so much more. Lupine Bay is ever-expanding and genre-encompassing. Her stories feature a large variety of relationship dynamics and sexual preferences, including traditional and reverse harems, gay and lesbian romance, polyamory, BDSM, femdom, and multiple simultaneous partners. Some pages or stories will be 18+ and may feature explicit sexual scenes, graphic violence, significant blasphemy, and occasional cannibalism.
  All artwork & content © 2022 Elizabeth Earle unless otherwise stated.
Stockphotos from DepositPhotos or Shutterstock. AI generated images from Midjourney.
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